C20 Brazil 2024 / WG9 – “Philantropy for Sustainable Development” (Working Group N°9)

Our initial thoughts about ‘autism and philanthropyIn the field of philanthropy and autism, we would like to explain certain things and emphasize certain points, which could help determine if Продолжить чтение →

C20 Brazil 2024 / WG5 – “Integrated Health for All” (Working Group N°5)

Reformulation of our recommendations to align with WG5 structure (pasted in the WG shared documents on 02/05/2024) Group 1 (Health System Strengthening) Autistan priority 1 из 3 for WG 5 Продолжить чтение →

C20 Brazil 2024 / WG10 – “Democratic Governance, Civic Space, Anti-Corruption and Access to Justice” (Working Group N°10)

1. Meeting of 16/04/2024 for TF2 (Task Force on Access to Information): synthesis of our oral participation Navigating the intricate landscape of governmental bureaucracy presents significant challenges for individuals with Продолжить чтение →